Recently, Paulette Dean with the Danville Area Humane Society wrote a letter to the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania County to justify their low save rate, and to place the blame on others. We know change is hard, especially when an organization opens up just down the road with very different policies and philosophies. The new Pittsylvania Pet Center offers the community a choice on which organization they want to help them with their pets. DAHS claims that they are seeing an abundance of pets from the county, which is contributing to their high euthanasia rates.
In 2017, DAHS received 811 fewer animals, and euthanized 649 fewer than in 2016. They euthanized 2,057 pets in 2017, which includes 93% of all the cats they took in; 1,599 in total. The new Pittsylvania Pet Center received in 1,084 pets and only euthanized 12 total since opening on July 1st2017. Which facility would you take your pet or found pets if you had a choice; the shelter that saved 98%, or the shelter that only saved 22% of their pets?
We are excited that the new Pet Center has helped reduce Danville’s intake numbers, and we hope that more and more citizens understand the choice they are making when they take pets to DAHS. You are choosing to pick a place where 78% of the pets in 2017 did not make it out alive. It is time to change the outcome of pets in this community by working together. We are pleading citizens of Pittsylvania to not take county animals to the Danville Area Humane Society any longer. We are in this together, to work with each other and solve this problem. We are here to save the lives of thousands of pets who don’t have a voice of their own.
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