I feel so proud and blessed by all the great work this organization and community has accomplished since 2009. Because of the success from so many hard working people, I have been given the privilege to work with and get to know THE top leaders in this field. Leaders such as Tawny Hammond, Brent Toellner, Marc Peralta, Alice Burton, Denise Deisler, Dr. Ellen Jefferson, Holly Sizemore, Kate Hurley and so many more that I would run out of room if I listed them all. Having access to top progressive thinkers has afforded our organization the opportunity to grow and change, and to do things better. When you know better, you do better. We have progressive policies and philosophies that are influenced by so many top minds in this field. We learn and change as new information comes our way, and when we face adversity, we can call upon many to help problem solve or gain insight on how they do things; collaboration at its finest.
I bring this up because in this field, it is hard for people to change their opinions and beliefs. As a result, they can criticize us and others for progressive thought when they don’t have the information or the background to understand the why. We believe in facts and data, not anecdotal information and fear based policies. It can be hard for people to change because they are fearful of what they don’t know.
When we ventured into Pittsylvania County, we knew there would be some controversy about why we do certain things. We had no idea that it would bring with it a small group of Facebook arm chair critics who don’t have the newest research or information to make their judgement about our organization, or who don’t agree with our philosophy. This group is confused by a number of items and presents misinformation at every turn.
Unfortunately, this type of cyber organization bullying happens everywhere. A friend in Atlanta battles the “old school” thinkers chronically, and has to defend the great practices they implement that are saving over 90% of all the pets in their care. It is sad that this small group of vocal people come from a place of trying to affect destruction to organizations doing amazing work and saving pets. They don’t like the “way” in which we do things. They believe they know more and care more than those of us they criticize. They try to discredit the organization they are attacking and ultimately take focus off of the life saving programs and work that is happening.
So what do they attack? Some of their targets include open adoption practices, owner retention programs, managed intakes, community cat management, behavior evaluations, medical practices, and shelter management. They have stooped to personally attacking individuals associated with organizations. Even attacking people on their own personal Facebook page just because the person is supportive of the organization.
Since July 1, we have received 690 pets into the Pittsylvania Pet Center. We have euthanized only 6 of them. Our save rate is currently 98%. We have spent over 10k in three months on veterinary care, yet these critics feel that we aren’t doing enough.
We do not turn a deaf ear to criticism. We welcome conversations because we might learn of a better way to do things. We are not perfect, and we will make mistakes. I don’t know of a single organization or business that doesn’t make mistakes. If anyone has any questions about why we do things the way we do, or if they want to offer suggestions on how we can make their experience better with our organization, we welcome constructive and respectful conversations. Call or email us, and we will be happy to hear your concern and explain why we do what we do. Using Facebook, in my opinion, is a cheap shot; people think they can say anything online without consequences and they use this platform as a way of trying to hurt our organization and the credibility of our staff.
What we have found is that most people are supportive of all we are accomplishing in Pittsylvania County. Most people know that we are there to help stop the needless killing of healthy and treatable pets in the area. We are there to reduce the “daily seven;” the seven pets euthanized on average each day at the other local shelter in the area. We are there to offer our assistance, and to be a resource.
I felt this blog was important because it gives us a platform to say, if you hear something that doesn’t make sense or you are concerned their statements are true, call us. We will talk through your questions, and perhaps we will both learn something. We don’t pretend to know everything, and we are always looking for ways to improve and grow.
The sheltering field is losing top leaders who are beaten down every day by this malicious craziness, and I believe it is time we stand up and say “Stop!”. It is time to build people up and focus on the positive, rather than focusing on the fear of change and the unknown. Be a part of the positive change, and help out if you believe there is a problem. Don’t let fear, ego, and pride be the reason pets are dying in shelters. Let us make a positive impact together.
I am a proud supporter of the LHS. Thank you for all you do to save and provide homes for our sweet pets.