I feel so proud and blessed by all the great work this organization and community has accomplished since 2009. Because of the success from so many hard working people, I have been given the privilege to work with and get to know THE top leaders in this field. Leaders such as Tawny Hammond, Brent Toellner, Marc Peralta, Alice Burton, Denise Deisler, Dr. Ellen Jefferson, Holly Sizemore, Kate Hurley and so many more that I would run out of room if I listed them all. Having access to top progressive thinkers has afforded our organization the opportunity to grow and change, and to do things better. When you know better, you do better. We have progressive policies and philosophies that are influenced by so many top minds in this field. We learn and change as new information comes our way, and when we face adversity, we can call upon many to help problem solve or gain insight on how they do things; collaboration at its finest. I bring this up because in this field, it is hard for peop...