"I don’t give to animal causes."
This is one of those statements that I completely understand and
respect. People have every right to give
as they see fit and I am just thankful that people give at all in this
economy. But, and you knew there had to
be a but, I don’t see us as just animals.
We do far more than just help animals and I would say 90% of the time
there is a person involved that we are helping as well.
Let me give you a great example. An older woman called us because she was diagnosed
with Alzheimer’s and it was time for her to figure out a place to bring her 4
dogs. Soon she is heading to an assisted
living situation and could not take them.
She loved them like they were her children because to her they were. They were her whole life, a reason to get up
in the morning. Today, she brought them
in to the shelter. We started the intake
of the dogs at 11:00 am and at 1:00 pm she was still at the shelter giving them
attention, afraid to leave. She brought us their medications, told us all
about their habits and made sure we knew how special each one was. She was scared, sad, nervous and now alone,
but at least she knows that we will provide great care for her dogs and help
them find new homes. She has entrusted us with
her kids. We helped her by giving
her the peace of mind that they will be safe. Behind every animal is a person, we don't just take care of the emotions of the animal but the person's emotions as well.

Yes, we are an animal cause and our funds go to provide
daily and medical care to these pets that find themselves in our facility by no
fault of their own. Pets are completely dependent
on people, without support from the community we couldn’t look owners in the eyes
like the woman today and tell her, “Your dogs will be fine, they will find
great homes, we got this.”
Please give locally when giving to animal causes. The national groups are not connected to local organizations and donations do not filter down to your local humane society or SPCA.
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