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You Amaze Us! Thank you!

So far this year has been an amazing one for the animals at the Lynchburg Humane Society.   None of it could have been accomplished without YOU!   Because of community involvement and your influence we were able to work with city council to strengthen our partnership and to establish a fair compensation and lease agreement for our new humane education and adoption center.  Council received more emails and phone calls around this topic than any other in their tenure. 
We officially merged the operations of the South Central Spay/Neuter Clinic in Evington with ours giving us a more regional focus on reducing the numbers of homeless animals in our entire community.   With a new full-time veterinarian, Dr. Pearson, we have begun to provide more services for the community.  We are up in surgeries and revenue and because of generous donations to our spay/neuter fund and many grants awarded this year, we have fixed over 700 animals for free.  These animals would not have been fixed without your help. 
When the city suffered from destruction and power loss from the Derecho storm this past summer, the community came out and still helped the animals.  80 dogs/cats went into foster within a few hours of our plea on facebook.  Several were adopted by their foster families and all of them found refuge from the horrible heat and physical conditions of the shelter. 
Thanks to the generosity of Peaks View Animal Hospital and the Animal Emergency and Critical Care of Lynchburg, we have been able to treat far more animals this year.  Even though Peaks View Animal Hospital has donated $1,000 each month in pro bono services, we are seeing a lot of animals in need of medical care which means we are currently carrying a large balance at Peaks View.  We are doing far more to help those in the most need but we know that the community will once again step up and donate towards our second chance fund so animals  get the medical treatment they deserve.
We are excited about what the rest of the year will bring.  The beginning stages of our capital campaign is going strong and we know the public will embrace our plans for the new shelter.  We are working hard to get more cats fixed under out Petsmart grant and our City Cat Fix program.  The grant ends March 1st and there will be no extension this time so if you have cats around your home or business now is the time to get them fixed for free.   Last but not least, we know more people will come out and adopt this holiday season.  It is a special time to bring home the gift of life and save a life in the process.  Thanks to everyone who has done their part to help the helpless animals in our community. 

View our thank you video!


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