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We Are All They Have

The Lynchburg Humane Society takes in every animal including those that are injured, sick, traumatized, under-socialized or too small to thrive on their own. Just the other day a 10 year old hound mix,we call Allie, came in on the end of a chain so heavy her head hung low from the weight. She suffers from untreated ear infections and is nervous of any physical contact. When we give her love she cringes in anticipation but then returns the favor with quick licks on our hands. She obviously suffered for most of her life in a neglectful situation and now we are her only chance at a normal life. Carmen was brought to us with active Parvo, a very deadly and contagious condition that her owner couldn’t afford to treat. We took on the responsibility to treat Carmen and after a very difficult few days, she pulled through with flying colors. She now is vibrant, full of life and living with her new family.  These are just two recent examples of the powerful impact our Second Chance Fund has on animals in need. 99% of the animals that come to the Lynchburg Humane Society receive a vaccination and more than half of the pets receive medical treatment for illness or injury. Many of those like Allie and Carmen need major rehabilitation.  Our Second Chance Fund is a way for the community to give back to the pets who give so much to our lives. This fund pays for the medical supplies and treatment for those entrusted to our care.  When they arrive here we are truly their last shot at life and the choices we make depend on the funding we have.  We can all make a difference through the Second Chance Fund. 


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