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Slow Down and Make a Difference in Your Life

I know I am not alone when I say that holiday time always feels very busy and stressful to me.  The normal day-to-day stress of balancing work and home is already difficult, and when you pile on the expectations and duties of the holidays it becomes even worse.  But this year I am making the choice to do things differently and I challenge everyone to do the same.  I have decided to slow down and not get wrapped up in the chaos of the holidays but instead get wrapped up in the true message of this time of year, which is family, love and life.
The Lynchburg Humane Society and most of the shelters in the area are seeing more animals in need of our services this year and less money coming in due to the economy.  Our Home 4 the Holiday promotion serves to encourage the community to help pets find homes before the end of the year.  This is the perfect time of year to bring home a new pet through adoption or foster care.  Even though the idea of putting one more thing on your plate - like a new pet in your home - might seem crazy at first, I want to remind you that life is messy; love is messy. We’ve all heard that pets have been proven to reduce stress.  Additionally, treasured memories are created by those events involving other people and creatures that touch our lives.  So let us slow down and decide to change our lives and the lives of pets in need.
The shelters in the Lynchburg area are filled with wonderful animals.  The only thing they want is a place where they can receive attention, love and proper care.  Let me tell you about Allie, one dog in particular who has touched my heart.  She is a shepherd/hound mix, about 7 years old.  Her life so far has been out on a chain in a backyard being neglected and obviously physically injured by her previous owner.   She looks battered with the harsh reality of being ignored and not given the love or care she needed.  Allie still is unsure what positive attention is but you know she likes it because she will give little quick kisses on your hand in appreciation when you pet her. She still flinches when you reach out to give her a head stroke because she is anticipating a smack instead. She needs minor medical attention for conditions that have gone untreated.  What really gets me is that this shelter, which is no place for a dog or cat, is probably the best place she has lived in her life.  We are all she has. But Allie deserves even more: she deserves a warm loving home and the good news is that she will get one.  As sad as her past is, Allie is now focused on the future and what life still holds for her.
For every challenging dog like Allie you will find 10 other dogs and cats who are happy, healthy and ready to go home. Not every shelter animal is a project. Many are pets who previously lived in comfortable homes and are now in need of new ones. Or they are puppies/kittens who simply started off life in the wrong place.  You name the breed, we have had it come through our doors.  So don’t buy a pet for your family.  Adopt or foster and bring home the true message of this season: love and life.  Slow down and experience what giving is really all about.
Happy holidays and thank you so much for all your support this year. We are very close to becoming a No Kill community and with every adoption or foster we are one step closer.


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