Recently I gave birth to my second child. Lily Grace was born on December 20th of 2010 and so she is still waking my husband and I up a lot in the middle of the night. Last night during her 2:00 am feeding I got to thinking about partnerships. My husband and I have a wonderful partnership in parenting and in household responsibilities. He is an amazing husband that helps me in so many ways. We both have full-time jobs and so we share the middle of the night feedings of our new daughter. This way neither one of us has to take the brunt of the nightly feedings alone.
So how does this apply to the Lynchburg Humane Society? Well as I was feeding my daughter half asleep it struck me that I am glad I have a wonderful husband and I don’t have to get up for the next feeding. Basically we can do it alone but it is much more difficult and when you have partners the task is much easier. Yes, I get lots of ideas at my middle of the night feedings, just ask the staff.
The Lynchburg Humane Society is very lucky to have some amazing partners in our day-to-day operations, in our long range plan to achieve a no kill community and in our need to continue to bring in funding and resources to our organization.
Most recently the Pickering Creative Group and Joseph Marshall partnered with us to create a wonderful new website that truly represents the professional organization we are.
Local architect, Dominion Seven has volunteered their expertise to help us with plans for a new shelter.
Carole our long-time volunteer of 5 ½ years is a very important partner that helps us daily with the dogs. Meredith is our cat volunteer who has been a huge asset with marketing the cats and giving second chances to feral cats in our care.
PetSmart Charities partnered with us for our new City Cat Fix, but locally the South Central Spay/Neuter Clinic partnered with us to perform the surgeries at a much reduced price so we can provide them free to the public.
We deal with many Veterinarian partners as well. Peaks View Animal Hospital and Riverside Veterinarian both provide pro bono medical care each month for our treatable animals. Most recently the Animal Hospital of Lynchburg began doing spay/neuter surgeries for us and once a month visits to our shelter to take a look at the unhealthy animals in our care. In an effort to be a part of the solution, Dr. Harper with Animal Emergency and Critical Care is spaying and neutering pit bulls for us for free.
Then there are the many partners that are helping in this cause that we may not know their names but we know they make a huge difference in the lives of companion animals. Anyone who helps out a neighbor or family member with their pet so they don’t have to take it to the local pound. Vets who work with owners at times of need so they are able to keep their pet and get the treatment they need. Feral cat colony caretakers who have gotten cats fixed on their own dime. Good Samaritans who take it upon themselves to bottle feed kittens they have found. Breed rescue groups who takes the hard to place cases so pounds and shelters don’t have to euthanize them. Citizens who pick up animals in need and provide them shelter and help until they find a home. There are many others but these are the unsung heroes that help every day.
The biggest partner we have? YOU. Everyone who has spread the word about our positive change, who adopted, fostered, donated, volunteered, owners who have waited patiently to bring us their pets, every one of you are helping us create a No Kill Community here in Lynchburg.
I feel so privileged to work at this remarkable organization and to have the opportunity to work with the amazing people of this community. Thanks for being our partner.
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