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Isn't It Too Sad to Volunteer at the Shelter?

One comment I get all the time when people learn that I volunteer at the shelter is “Oh God, I could never do that. It’s just too sad to be there and I would feel too bad for the animals”

My answer is and will always be “Your reason for not volunteering at the shelter is the exact reason why I do.” You know what’s even sadder? When no one wants to help these animals because “it’s just too sad.” What kind of sense does it make to not help animals that are in a situation when they need us the most? We put animals in this horrible situation and they end up paying the price, and sometimes with their lives. How is that acceptable to anyone? So yes, I volunteer, amongst many other things, to help animals. We as a community must do our part to reduce the number of pets winding up in shelters. Why should they have to suffer because of our mistakes and outdated laws?

The only reason why these animals are even in this place is because of humans. Human irresponsibility has created the homeless pet population and we owe it to them to fix the problem. We all need to act responsibly as pet owners and end this horrendous problem. Millions of pets die every year in shelters and it’s all preventable. I am so happy that LHS is working to go No Kill and leading the community in this process. I am proud and excited to be one step in the ladder to get them there. There was a previous blog about a person not wanting to donate to a shelter that wasn’t No Kill yet. The shelters that need us the most are the ones that have the vision of No Kill but need your help to make it happen. In my opinion if a shelter is not No Kill or even trying to go No Kill it should not exist. It serves no purpose if they aren’t even trying to re-home animals and provide care to them.

So, for those of you who choose not to volunteer at the shelter but want to make a difference. How about the difference between life and death? Step up and adopt an animal. Just by adopting an animal you are being a major part of the solution. You may think well, that’s only one animal being saved in the world. It may only be one animal to the world, but it meant the entire world to that one animal. Save their life and brighten yours!


  1. i'm forever trying to get people to understand that the animals aren't at fault, it's the humans, and that we should take responsibility, but that usually falls on deaf ears. i'm so glad to see someone else agrees!

  2. I used to think that I would not be able to volunteer at the shelter but then I told myself to stop thinking of myself and to think of those animals and what could I do to help


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