As we move into warmer months we will begin to see more and more cats coming out of hiding. I am truly amazed at the amount of cats in this community and how much of a problem we have with feral and free roaming cats. I am not sure how cats became disposable in our culture and I am not just talking about here but across the nation. We get many calls a day from people trying to find a solution to their stray cat problem. We hear a lot of, "someone just dropped them here", when more than likely they came across a food source and wandered to the location. It is very apparent to us with the amount of kittens we see each spring through the fall, many coming in way too young to survive on their own without their mothers which means, we will get more next year because the mother was not spayed or the father not neutered. It is a chronic cycle each year that we want to stop.
So how do we stop it? I think knowledge is power and if you have a problem you should read up on the topic and see how to change it. Also you need to be responsible if you own a cat that is free roaming, you need to get it fixed. If you are a good Samaritan who is feeding cats around your home or barn, you need to get them fixed. Before you just take kittens or a cat to your local animal control, find out what their euthanasia rates are for cats, some are as high as 80% in the area. Then decide if you can find another way of handling this problem. If you feel you would like to make a difference and really see change then please check out our web page on feral/free roaming cats. Or go to national organizations who have a lot of information out there on the topic like Alley Cat Allies.
But doing nothing adds to the issue and less cats living in our community. Taking feral or wild cats to your local animal shelter does nothing to solve your problem. Please take a moment and read.
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