Two teams face off in what could be the most important football game of their lives. And yours. Each animal that gets adopted, is a score for their team. Special pricing on team members help make the process easier.
Head coach for the Diamond Hill Dreamers, Charlie, a five year old chow mix told us this could be his last game. He is ready to retire to a big back yard, or country home.
Head coach for the opposing team, the Riverside Rangers, Mama-Lou, a two year old, short haired orange tabby, told us;she has been awaiting this game a long time. “Now that my kittens are weened and I am spayed, I'm free to pursue other interests, such as long naps and soothing massages.” This statement was punctuated with loud purring.
Duke, center for the dreamers, a one year old Rottweiler mix, put it this way.” I mean, you know, this game means everything to us, but you know, the real winners are the great folks that allow us to share their lives.” Colleen, a one and a half year old Short haired gray tabby, playing defensive end for the Rangers added “we are all playing for keeps.
The shelter is o.k for a short time, but we want real homes with people to love us.”
For more information on this grid iron match up, call 434-846-1438. You may view our team members on our website;www.lynchburghumanesociety.org. We are open Monday through Saturday, noon to five. The Lynchburg Humane Society is located on Naval Reserve Rd., behind the city stadium.
Written by Lori Cline.
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