Abby was found by an animal control officer tangled up and choking from the heavy chain around her neck. She arrived at the Lynchburg Humane Society very afraid of everyone. There are few things worse than seeing a dog who has not had any positive contact from the humans in her life. She obviously lived outside on a chain for the first year of her life. We vaccinated and treated her for minor medical issues and the staff began working with her to help her realize just how wonderful people can be. Tiny kisses to faces and wiggling all over is now how she greets people rather than shrinking in fear. She was adopted by a wonderful couple and is living her life as a family member rather than just a chained up, back yard dog. If we don’t help them who will? Tanya like so many other cats in our shelter, got a virus due to stress, lack of immunities as a young kitten and the improper air handling systems that exist in ...