Letter appeared in the News and Advance in the editiorial section on 10/4/11 in response to a letter posted on September 24th by Jason Shelton. I first want to thank Jason Shelton (The Forum, Sept. 24) for raising awareness that the Lynchburg Humane Society’s current facility is inadequate to meet the needs of this community, continue saving lives and reach our goal of an open-admission, no-kill shelter. Our new building project will enable us to provide more services to the community and alleviate the overcrowded conditions that affect the animals, staff and the public. Similarly, we acknowledge that there is a problem in the city with the cat population. We are dedicated to solving this problem by providing free spay and neuter services through our City Cat Fix Program and a grant from PetSmart Charities. Unfortunately, as long as people allow the cats they care for to reproduce and not take full responsibility for them, the problem will persist. The standard opera...